Monday, July 25, 2011

Celebrating Six Sweet Months with Lady Annyeong

Dear Readers,

Can you believe the Harrington's have had this sweet little puppy face in their lives for a whopping 6 months?


It's amazing how quickly time goes. Not only has Lady Annyeong been a member of the Harrington clan for 6 months now, but the Harrington's are currently days away from returning the home-land, friends, and family that they so dearly love and have missed for more than a year. Unfortunately, Lady Annyeong does not get to be a part of that journey. She will remain in Korea under the loving care of trusted friends and if all goes according to plan will return to the Harrington's at the end of August with the same depth of love and connection as she now shows them (awwwww...)

Anyway, six months into dog ownership the routine has melded a bit and is a constant showcase of the mutual love the Harrington's have for Lady and Lady has for the Man and the Woman. Each morning begins with a walk through the park or neighborhood street followed by breakfast for the Lady and a farewell which Lady accepts with increasing contentedness (which leads the Harrington's to question her actions during the day...hmm.) Upon the return of the Man or the Woman Harrington Lady greets each excitedly, grinning, spinning and chasing either Harrington until they finally stretch out on the floor where she is finally able to hop onto their torsos, stretch out and snuggle for an undefined amount of time. Eventually, the evening walk and meal are cared for in-betwixt additional snuggling and cuddling. As the day comes to a close every Harrington in the household, whether of two-legged or three point five - legged variety, makes their way to bed for a solid nights rest.

And that dear readers, is how life looks at the six month mark with an adorable pup.

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