Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dear Diary: A gift for the replacement GET

In transitioning out of her two elementary schools, Melissa Teacher wanted to create a lesson that would honor her students need to know she would no longer be teaching them in the fall while also providing some potentially valuable information for the Guest English Teacher (GET) who will come into this position next. The solution? A 'Dear Diary' activity where students read/listened to the diary entries of SpongeBob, Homer Simpson and Melissa Teacher then answered some questions about what they had heard. Students who answered questions or remembered a word from the diary, had the chance to throw a 'ball' into a a 'basket' Following the reading and listening activity, students were instructed to create their own 'Diary' entry that would tip the new GET off to student interests as well as language abilities. The folowing excerpts are some Melissa Teacher's favorites from Seongchon Elementary Schools students.



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