Thursday, January 12, 2012

Harringtons in Korea: Dalkgalbi and a Few Rounds of Homebrew

After full days of work, Mike and Melissa returned to 519 Galma to discover a crew of resting, snacking, happy Harrington's. Without much direction from M&M for the day, the four visiting Harrington's made their way back toward Time World/Dunsan Area and enjoyed exploring, shopping and returning home to rest since it was, afterall, a vacation. With M&M back at home and becoming increasingly hungry those of the group under the age of 27 made their way to a Chicken and Hof for a few shots of Strawberry Soju before heading to a nearby dalk-galbi restaurant. (The Harringtons who are just barely over 27 opted to stay at 519 Galma and rest just a litte more).
Returning home the crew took on the challenge of taste-testing a variety of brews from Mike's brewing operations. A few bottles later half the Harrington's were ready to snooze while the other three stayed awake for a couple games of Redneck Life before dozing off for the night.



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